Cream Of The Crop, Oceanside, CA

by Tom
(Vista, CA)

Variety of organic vegetables, including brussel sprouts, with which we love.
Good selection of organic potatoes and onions as well.
Great service and very nice employees.
But, the primary reason I love this place is because they have a pretty good "gluten-free" section.
What makes it special? The Multi-Grain Bread by GNI (Gluten Not Included). I don't do a ton of starch because I have gluten intolerance, so I am glad this product was recommended to me.

Interestingly enough, I was referred to this store by an employee of Trader Joes who has children with Celiac Disease. The bread is so good, she buys as much as she can whenever she can get over there.

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Feb 23, 2010
by: Steve

I like the Deli for lunch at this market. Plus, the customer service is very good, as they seem to really care.

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