Are you consuming conventional dairy products? Is it really doing your body good?
A recent study printed by the Washington Post says that people are NOT losing weight as they drink more milk, actually, just the opposite as there are now studies coming out that show that the more milk you drink, the more weight you will gain. That seems to be quite contrary to what we have heard in the past, I mean, it is literally speaking against conventional wisdom.
Well, a large part of it might be that the National Dairy Council has spent over 200 million dollars since 2003 on a campaign that says milk helps people lose weight. And remember, this is a campaign that follows another dairy campaign that said 2% milk is a low-fat food, which it is not.
Well, if you are drinking conventionally farmed milk, or conventional dairy, weight gain is the least of your problems. Let me explain.
My question is this? When a food has little to no food value, why are we in America doing a study on it? Pasteurized and Homogenized milk is an altered food and because of this, if offers you no vitality. Conventional dairy is a food that is loaded with sugar (over 50% in skim milk) and is unrecognizable as a food to many (highly allergenic to some and intolerant to others).
It is in reality: A CONVENIENCE FOOD.
Take a look at the long list of what you may be ingesting every time you conventional dairy,
which is milk from non-organic and non-grass fed dairy cows:
Pasteurized (Highly Heated)
Homogenized (Highly Pressurized)
Grain Fed (Cows are grass eaters)
Plus, the cow may not be able to exercise or receive sunlight daily. Meaning, that the milk you are drinking may be coming from one very unhealthy cow!
The challenges on the human body while drinking conventional dairy are diverse. You would be surprised to know how little nutrition you are receiving when drinking a cup of this low quality milk.
First of all, the staples to most peoples’ diets in America, 2% and non-fat milk, are loaded with sugar. Non-fat milk is over 50% sugar and 2% milk is nearly 37% sugar making it terribly difficult to control one’s insulin levels. If you are not controlling your sugar and insulin levels, you are not controlling your weight. Diabetics will be known to use dairy when struggling with blood sugar levels.
Conventional dairy comes from cow’s that have been feed grain instead of grass. There is little to no nutrition passed on from the cow to you when the diet of the cow is so feeble (yes, grain fed cows are not healthy). Then, once we understand the number of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides that were used on the grain that the cow has ingested and how that is passed on to us we begin to really see the problem is beyond empty calories. These cows because they are not well because the stress put on them to produce such a high amount of milk are stock full of antibiotics. It is believed one cup of milk can contain up to 100 strains of antibiotics. These unhealthy cows have been enabled to produce the high amounts of milk by injected with all sort of hormones. Yes, these hormones are passed on to us.
It gets worse. This milk is pasteurized and homogenized, leaving this milk to not only be “non-life giving”, and “lacking vitality” but also “denatured”. Let me explain. When anything is pasteurized it has been heated to the point that the food, and everything in it (good and bad), is either destroyed or changed. So our pasteurized milk has little to no nutritional value, predominately because of the destruction of its enzymes and beneficial bacteria. Then the milk is pressurized to create homogenization so the milk fats will not solidify. This tremendous pressure changes the milk to the point where our body cannot recognize it. Experts now debate which is worse for us, “pasteurization” or “homogenization”? Well, it is a close race and I won’t be around to see the finish.
So, if you are interested in dairy, even if you have lactose intolerance, find a goat or cow farm that sells “certified” raw goat or cow’s milk. Why? The goats and cows should eat grass so the milk is nutritious. The milk is organic so it has no pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, or hormones in it (if not organic, speak to the farmers and ask how they handle their animals). Then, because it is not pasteurized or homogenized it is full of health enhancing nutrients, including beneficial enzymes and bacteria. Plus, they are pasture-raised so they receive the exercise and daily sun that they need.